Railroad Collectibles and a story
And now for some stuff for us collectors out there. Railroad towns, sidings, section houses and depots are a great source for finding wonderful collectibles. Railroad items found are many and varied with some bringing high prices. Railroad China, baggage claim tokens, locks and keys, date nails (some quite rare and valuable), railroad car and locomotive parts and the list goes on. I have personally found several good bottles and jugs - 2 Sadler Mercantile jugs, Utah Liquor Company megaphone, cobalt western sauce and many other decent finds as well as a bearing box cover plate from the Utah Central Railroad. Many diggers have done well on the old Transcontinental line. Terrace produced many great bottles for several years. At the tiny railroad town of Toana, Nevada, 3 Dr. Wonsers Indian Root Bitters were pulled from one pit. And don’t forget the coins, tokens and other trinkets. There are still collectibles waiting to be found and many places to find them that are accessible to the public. So get out and hunt and good luck.
Along the Oregon Short Line
You never know what you may find. This was found in Montana. A keg of OSL1916 (07) gm nails.had completely rotted away leaving this pile of galvanized nails in really great shape. You have to get out there to find stuff!