These collections are for sale as a set. Please contact us with questions and detailed photos. Shipping will be actual cost negotiated.
Boschees German Syrup
This is a collection of 5 nicely polished examples of Dr A Boschees German Syrup, LM Greem Proprietor. There are differences in the embossing style, variations in the color and some size differences. All are approximately 6.5 " tall.
This is a nice inexpensive starter group of patent medicines. Price $25 (shipping not included)
This is a nice inexpensive starter group of patent medicines. Price $25 (shipping not included)
Early Ad
Boschee's German Syrup, A Throat and Lung Specialty.'
Those who have not used BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP for some severe and chronic trouble of the Throat and Lungs can hardly appreciate what a truly wonderful medicine it is. The delicious sensations of healing, easing, clearing, strength-gathering, and recovering, are unknown joys.
For GERMAN SYRUP we do not ask easy cases. Sugar and water may soothe a throat or stop a tickling for a while., This is as far as the ordinary cough medicine goes.
BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP is a discovery, a great Throat and Lung specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, pain, coughing, spitting, hemorrhage, voice failure, weakness, slipping down hill-where doctors and medicine and advice have been followed and swallowed to the gulf of despair-where there is the sickening conviction that all is over and the end is inevitable-there we place GERMAN SYRUP. It cures always. You're alive man yet if you take it!
SIR:-GERMAN SYRUP saved the life of my wife, and she is quite well to-day.
-A. D. LANE, Druggist, Montpelier, Vt.
G. GLOCER, DRUGGIST, WATERTOWN, Wis. This is, the opinion of a man who keeps a drug store, sells all, medicines, comes in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than any one else, how remedies sell, and what true merit they have. He hears all the failures and successes, and can therefore judge.
"I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, or Hoarseness, that has done such effective work in my family as BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP. It will invariably cure, as I know from experience. I also believe it is a great preventive against diphtheria, if used in time. It is a most effective remedy in cases of sleeplessness caused by severe coughs, giving almost instant relief. Your remedies give general satisfaction, and those who have used them buy again.”
Last winter a lady called at my store who was suffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, and I told her about GERMAN SYRUP, and that a few doses would give relief; but she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her to take a bottle, and if the results were not satisfactory I would make no charge for it.
A few days after she called and paid for it, saying she would “never be without it in future, as a few doses had given her great relief."
SIR:-I shall certainly place the GERMAN SYRUP and AUGUST FLOWER wherever I can, not for personal reasons alone, but because of their intrinsic value, of which I have for years been convinced.-
D. LORRIAUX, Druggist, Ottawa, ill.
Boschee's German Syrup, A Throat and Lung Specialty.'
Those who have not used BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP for some severe and chronic trouble of the Throat and Lungs can hardly appreciate what a truly wonderful medicine it is. The delicious sensations of healing, easing, clearing, strength-gathering, and recovering, are unknown joys.
For GERMAN SYRUP we do not ask easy cases. Sugar and water may soothe a throat or stop a tickling for a while., This is as far as the ordinary cough medicine goes.
BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP is a discovery, a great Throat and Lung specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, pain, coughing, spitting, hemorrhage, voice failure, weakness, slipping down hill-where doctors and medicine and advice have been followed and swallowed to the gulf of despair-where there is the sickening conviction that all is over and the end is inevitable-there we place GERMAN SYRUP. It cures always. You're alive man yet if you take it!
SIR:-GERMAN SYRUP saved the life of my wife, and she is quite well to-day.
-A. D. LANE, Druggist, Montpelier, Vt.
G. GLOCER, DRUGGIST, WATERTOWN, Wis. This is, the opinion of a man who keeps a drug store, sells all, medicines, comes in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than any one else, how remedies sell, and what true merit they have. He hears all the failures and successes, and can therefore judge.
"I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, or Hoarseness, that has done such effective work in my family as BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP. It will invariably cure, as I know from experience. I also believe it is a great preventive against diphtheria, if used in time. It is a most effective remedy in cases of sleeplessness caused by severe coughs, giving almost instant relief. Your remedies give general satisfaction, and those who have used them buy again.”
Last winter a lady called at my store who was suffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, and I told her about GERMAN SYRUP, and that a few doses would give relief; but she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her to take a bottle, and if the results were not satisfactory I would make no charge for it.
A few days after she called and paid for it, saying she would “never be without it in future, as a few doses had given her great relief."
SIR:-I shall certainly place the GERMAN SYRUP and AUGUST FLOWER wherever I can, not for personal reasons alone, but because of their intrinsic value, of which I have for years been convinced.-
D. LORRIAUX, Druggist, Ottawa, ill.